Thursday, March 15, 2007

Second Edition of The Zine is almost done!

I chose this image as the image for the cover of the second edition of: The Faerie Zine. I thought the colors of this piece would add much magic and whimsy to this second edition. This will be enhanced with some features and main artists in the featured zine. Stay Tuned for more previews.

The Faerie Zine, First Edition Preview!

The book has a dimension of: 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches! and is 60 PAGES LONG, with combed bined w/a black spiral binder comb..(see pics) and the zine has a front transparent cover and a back one, to protect the zine.,
The book will be autographed w/my signature and date, or it can be personalized with something you would prefer, with my signature. Just inform me in an email!
The zine includes many articles/features. faerie stories, images, a a free clip art page, adventure stuff, Faerie Zine exclusive stories and columns, It features a variety of talented artists and their works with their permission. So many talented artists., I'm honored to know them and befriend them, plus there are art projects I have created and art I have made..
There is so much stuff in here. A must read.